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Dr. Paul Rothman | Affordable Care Act
How the Coronavirus Pandemic is Changing World Healthcare: Dr. Paul Rothman, Johns Hopkins
JHM Dean/CEO Paul Rothman Discusses Vaccines with Dr. Bill Moss (long version)
Dr. Paul Rothman | The Office of Women in Science and Medicine (OWISM) Luncheon
The Affordable Care Act: What's Right, What's Wrong, What's Next?
Dr. Paul Rothman | Institute for Basic Biomedical Sciences (IBBS) Council Meeting
Dean Paul Rothman on Rising to the Challenge
ACA Under Threat: The Potential Impacts of Repealing the Affordable Care Act
Does the Affordable Care Act Discriminate against the Sick?
The Affordable Care Act & The Patient's Bill of Rights
Alain Enthoven: A Balanced View of the Affordable Care Act?
The Affordable Care Act: Change Is the Only Constant